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The project

FEPIC - Female Engineers Pushing Innovations in Companies has been funded within the E.U. "Lifelong Learning Programme". It started in October 2008 and ended in November 2010.

FEPIC relies upon two main keywords: creativity and leadership. These aspects focus on the person's professional potential to provide new directions and changes from the bottom upwards. Creative thinking is crucial for innovation, which in turn results in increased competitiveness. Varying positive role models can be offered by female Leaders who can attract and network with female students and engineers throughout their long-term careers.

Creativity for innovation and leadership have been the themes on which all the partners have focused when collating information from different sources. This was also the case during a workshop in Bologna (April 2009) with a view to building the e-learning tool. This tool is the result of the collaboration among the 20 partners from universities, companies and associations located in Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. An active role is also played by 63 female students, who are involved in all phases of the project: from collating information, to monitoring, distributing and exploiting the results.

FEPIC aims to emphasise creativity and leadership to tackle the persistent under representation of women in senior positions. The project fosters gender equality and an overall growth in transversal expertise by implementing an online training tool as an instrument of fair human resources development. The project intends to concentrate on the gender dimension in training and professional processes. By empowering those female engineers with high potential, the overall objective is to overcome the barriers that too often stop women from achieving senior positions.